Grandma's Song & Electricity
  補充兩首很不錯的曲子。Grandma's Song,聽了真的覺得有很窩心的感覺,不過不看歌詞的話,其實聽不大懂。Electricity則是BETM的主題曲,當然也是非常的精采。

Grandma's Song


I hated the sod - for thirty-three year
We should never have married of
that I'm quite clear
He spent the housekeeping money
on whisky and beer
And never lifted a finger
Times were hard,
but the swine rolled back pissed
So we'd fight and he'd swing
and he rarely missed
So I'd clobber the sod when he couldn't resist:
Asleep, you can't lift a finger.

But we'd go dancing.., and he'd hold me tight
He was air, He was water,
He was breath, He was light
And he would hold me there, with all his might.
And it was bliss for an hour or so
But then they called time to go
And in the morning we were sober.

O he'd drink and he'd talk just like a fool
Lie like a bairn and snore like a mule
Rarely was sober, pretty much was the rule
And he never lifted a finger
I suppose times were hard, things were different then
Women were women and men, they were men
Seventeen, that was it, your life ended when you had a ring around your finger.

But we'd go dancing, he was me own Brando
And for a moment there my heart was a-glow
We had dust in our hair and nowhere to go
Boo we were free for an hour or three
From the people we had to be
But in the morning we were sober.

But if I went through my time again,
Oh I'd do it without the help of men
Or at least your Grandad
But then again, you know
Best not to linger

What is the use of dreaming now?
I had my chance, well anyhow,
If I'd only known then what I know now
I'd've given them all the finger

And gone dancing, and not give a shit
and spin around and reel and love each bit
And I'd dance alone and enjoy it
And I'd be me for an entire life.
Instead of somebody's wife
and I never would be sober.
And I never would be sober.

Billy Elliot the Musical
  直接講Billy Elliot可能很多人都不知道是什麼,不過如果說「舞動人生」這部影片的話,應該就很多人看過了。香港叫做「跳出我天地」,第一次是在高中的時候,公民老師播放給我們看的,當初是要講公黨罷工的社會背景,不過當然後來是被整個劇情深深吸引。


  去年底看到了一個奇怪的影片,裡面除了有電影Billy Elliot的片段外,還在公開徵求Billy,而且已經有三名Billy的人選,然後才知道原來是齣叫做Billy Elliot the Musical的音樂劇。

  連續看了好幾個相關的影片、認識了Elton John、聽了好幾遍主題曲Electricity,然後跟其他許多人一樣,只能坐在電腦前面看看幾個片段過過乾癮,期待哪一天音樂劇會發行DVD。


  在倫敦的三個禮拜,我在第一個禮拜的禮拜二,可以自由活動的第一天下午,就跑去了Victoria Palace Theatre去買了第三個禮拜一的票,我聽了售票員的建議買了二樓Stall的座位,她說視野比較好。



  二樓的位子的確是可以看到整個舞台,但是缺點是演員的臉幾乎都看不清楚,早知道就不要聽售票員的建議了。而我一直很期待可以看到Liam Mower飾演的Billy,不過從遠楚仔細觀察,可以確定不是Liam,也不是華人比利Matthew Koon,所以可能是Colin或是Leon吧。第一次看音樂劇發現,舞台上的機關還真是多啊,兩邊的牆壁、廁所都可以自由滑動,中央Billy的床還可以上下升降,真是非常炫。(Uncle後來跟我說歌劇魅影的機關更多,不過因為我把錢都砸在BETM上了,所以就沒有打算去看其他表演)

  會選BETM當作我在倫敦欣賞的唯一表演,還有一個原因就是我已經知道劇情了,而且其他經典戲劇其實我都沒什麼興趣。雖然劇情已經都知道了,可是整部戲看下來還是不失風采,而且這齣戲本身的劇情就很感人,再配上時而來的幽默橋段,一時之間一下想哭、一下想笑,那種感覺真的是台灣戲劇很少能體會到的。 當看到Billy飛起來的那一刻,好像當初為了這部戲花了多少錢都不重要了。


BETM Official Site Billy on Broadway