Without reforms, the world will be plunged into a
water crisis, the United Nations warned. |
若不改革,這個世界將陷入用水危機,聯合國警告。 |
In an annual report, the UN said abuse of water was
now so great that on current trends, the world will face
a 40-percent "global water deficit" by 2030 -- the gap
between demand for water and replenishment of it. |
在一份年度報告中,聯合國說現在濫用水資源的情況非常嚴重,按照這種趨勢,到2030年全世界將面臨幅度達40%的「全球水荒」的窘境--這個缺口是對水的需求和填補需求之間的差距。 |
"The fact is there is enough water to meet the
world’s needs, but not without dramatically changing the
way water is used, managed and shared," it said in its
annual World Water Development Report. |
「事實是,有足夠的水滿足全球需求,但必須大幅度改變使用、管理及分享的方式,」這份(聯合國)年度「世界水資源開發報告」如此說。 |
"Measurability, monitoring and implementation" are
urgently needed to make water use sustainable, said
Michel Jarraud, head of the agency UN-Water and the
World Meteorological Organisation(WMO). |
「測量、監控與執行」是迫切需要的(措施),才能讓水得以永續使用,聯合國水資源小組暨「世界氣象組織」(WMO)秘書長麥可.賈候表示。 |
Surging population growth is one of the biggest
drivers behind the water crisis, the report said. |
急遽成長的人口是缺水危機背後最大的原因之一,這份報告說。 |
Earth’s current tally of around 7.3 billion humans
is growing by about 80 million per year, reaching a
likely 9.1 billion by 2050. |
地球現在的總人口約73億,每年成長約8000萬人,到了2050年可能將近91億人。 |
To feed these extra mouths, agriculture, which
already accounts for around 70 percent of all water
withdrawals, will have to increase output by some 60
percent. |
為了養育這些新增人口,佔所有用水約70%的農業,將必須增加60%左右的生產量。 |
(It's too late. Prepare for war...)